Personal Income Tax- Resident in Spain
Individuals who, under the Spanish internal tax law, should be considered as tax residents in Spain are subject to taxation on their worldwide income, that is, for all the income generated in the tax period, regardless of where it is generated or paid.
The calculation of the Personal Income Tax will depend on the amount of the general taxable and saving taxable base. These bases are subject to the following progressive rates:
General taxable base:
Taxable base (from) | Tax liability o lower limit | Remaining taxable base | Tax rate |
0,00 € | 0 | 12.450 € | 19,00% |
12.450 € | 2.365,50 € | 7.750 € | 24,00% |
20.200 € | 4.225,50 € | 15.000 € | 30,00 % |
35.200 € | 8.725,50 € | 24.800 € | 37,00% |
60.000 € | 17.901,50€ | 240.000 € | 45,00% |
300.000 € | 125.901,50€ | onwards | 47,00% |
(*) Personal Income Tax is in part regulated by each Autonomous Region in Spain and the above rates may vary depending on each Autonomics’ regulation.
Saving taxable base:
Taxable base | Tax liability o lower limit | Remaining taxable base | Tax rate |
0,00 € | 0 | 6.000 € | 19,00% |
6.000 € | 1.140 € | 44.000 € | 21,00% |
50.000 € | 10.380 | 150.000 € | 23,00% |
200.000 € | 44.880 € | Onwards | 26,00% |
The tax year is the calendar year and, in general terms, the personal tax is accrued on December, 31st of each year.
Personal Income Tax Return must be filed through Form 100. The deadline for filing is between April and June of the year following the year of assessment.