What is the ETE Form by Banco de España?

National Spanish Bank (ETE) and other informative Forms before the Spanish Authorities

The ETE FORM (Survey of Foreign Transactions) is an informative declaration to be filed before the Bank of Spain.

Individual and corporate residents in Spain that carry out operations/transactions with non-residents, or maintain assets abroad for a value greater than 1,000,000 euros are required to submit this form.

It is necessary to inform about the values and variations of the value of assets, as well as the operations with non-residents regardless of their nature and regardless of how the operations take place.

Annual submission will be required and must be done no later than January 20 following the year of assessment, provided that the amount of the transactions during the immediately preceding year or the values of assets and liabilities at December 31st, were less than 100,000,000 euros. If this is not the case, the submission deadlines may vary and have a higher recurrence.

Finally, there is an obligation for Spanish residents when there are foreign partners or investments abroad, or also for holders of shares in foreign companies or branches, as well as for Spanish companies, in whose shareholders a foreigner participates and makes some foreign investment in Spain.

Such situations lead to the obligation to file forms D4, D6, D8, D5A, D5B, D1, etc. to the General Directorate of Trade and Investments.


The deadlines vary depending on the form that needs to be completed.

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