This website is the property of OLLERO & PITA, with CIF: E-2725240, with address in C/Golfo de Thessaloniki, 29, Madrid (Spain).
Use of this website is subject to the following conditions. Please read them carefully. Your access to this site and its content means that you have read and agree to them.
1. Terms of Use
Ollero & Pita has prepared the material on this website for informational purposes only. It may not reflect the latest legislation or jurisprudence on the issues discussed, and we may change, extend or update it without notice.
The material on this website may not, under any circumstances, be considered as a substitute for legal or other advice. Access to it does not constitute or imply an attorney-client relationship, or any other type of trustworthy or professional relationship with Ollero & Pita. You should not act on the basis of the information on this website, without first seeking appropriate professional advice. In addition, you must not send any confidential information to Ollero & Pita, without first consulting with one of our attorneys and receiving your authorization to send it.
The links on this website may direct you to other websites managed by third parties, over which Ollero & PIta has no control.
Ollero & Pita is not responsible for the content or status of such websites, and access to them through this website also does not imply that Ollero & Pita recommends or approves its contents.
Limitation of liability
You use this website at your own risk. Ollero & Pita is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or any other content that can be accessed through it.
Ollero & Pita is not responsible for damages arising from the use of this website, nor for actions taken on the basis of your information.
Ollero & Pita does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may damage or alter your computer system, electronic documents or files. Therefore, Ollero & Pita is not responsible for any damages that these elements may cause to you or to third parties.
Data protection
Ollero & Pita will treat with the utmost confidentiality all the information you provide when registering for promotional events or submitting resume forms: in the case of promotional events, you will use this information exclusively to manage your application for registration and send you information about future events and, in the case of resume forms, to select job applicants.
Ollero & Pita does not use cookies to access your personal information.
When you are asked to provide personal data to access the services of this website, you will be informed that some of them are essential. If you do not provide them, these services cannot be provided.
All the companies that make up the firm will have access to the personal data provided in the forms; coordinate your actions as a single firm to provide you with the services you request. If you do not want these companies to access your personal data on these forms, please do not complete or submit them.